Can you run a retail garment store? Then, here are 10 tips to successfully run a clothing retail store.To get some type of store needs for a management. For the retail clothing store, inventory is the key management of departmental needs. Retail control depends on the budget and skills of managing a retail garment store.
The Ultimate Guide to Manage your Retail Garment Store
Stay Well Organised- When they are organised, everything becomes easier. Going through a pile of clothes in your basement while looking for one shirt is a headache we can all agree on. But how easier it would be if all of the clothing had been properly organized. So, as the shop is organized it is the same with the retail clothing business as well, it will have time and help the work cycle function better.
Managing the staff: Track the work of every employee, and inform them about your company. Educate them about how to handle complaints from customers and how to handle us. Make sure the employees are totally aware of every and everything else in your warehouse. Garments are totally different from food items and beauty products, etc., because they have written everything on their packets while a clothing needs somebody who can explain the fabric and color, etc.
Store Security Manners: Fraud and damage are common in retail stores, so the only way to avoid it is to use warning signs and inked tags to help you detect fraud or any theft in shop and product.
Receiving Stock activities: Even the smallest clothing retail shops purchase items every week and any package they receive must be carefully watched if there are any damaged products or if the proper quantity of goods have delivered.
Find out what’s going on in the TMs: You need to be aware in the garment store of what’s new on the market and what’s trending within your target audiences. Buyers are always on the look out for new trends in the market-setting stores. So avoid losing buyers and disappointed customers make sure you update the shop by keeping yourself aware of the latest trends.
Customer Care: Just make sure that when you come to your shop you give your customers a good experience it is one of the easiest ways to bring them back to your store. Carefully manage their complaints and receive feedback on your service and products so that you can make changes and then when you pay attention to your customer’s TM needs it shows that you really care about them and that can make your customers more happy and you will indirectly get new buyers.
Manage your inventory: This point is the most important part you will be managing in the case of a retail clothing shop. Keep it safe from theft and disease. Keep your inventory organized, and hold your inventory level verified. The best solution for taking care of an inventory is an VRS Retail software. An inventory management platform optimizes the handling of your inventory. This alerts you on the level of supply as it tracks each inventory and therefore you can request the stock before it is sold out. It also keeps a record of the number of items so you don’t fall victim to theft of any kind.
VRS Inventory Management Software is a completely cloud-based inventory management software which is available from anywhere. It is highly user friendly and can be customized to any kind of company. It's also mobile friendly, so every time you want to check your inventory, you don't have to open your laptop or system.
VRS Retail Garment Store Software Features include:
- Accounts
- Sales and Dispatch
- Purchase
- Ordering
- Taxes
- Production
- Inventory Reports
Point Of Sale
- Hot keys to display and print sales figures
- Returns, Exchange and Refund tracking system
- Non Barcode/Barcode Sales Option
- Item level and bill level discounts
- Lump Cutting
- Auto Application of Promotional Schemes
Point Of Sale
- Day Begin/ Close Option
- Embedded barcoding with option of Fix, Lot and Unique
- Unlimited ‘N’ number of user-defined Attributes
- Automated Physical Stock Reconciliation
- Final Accounts (Balance Sheet, P & L)
- Receivables & Payables/Outstanding
- Bank Reconciliation
- Cheque & Voucher Printing
- Service Tax, VAT & CST Handling
For more details and questions please click Contact Us. Press on > > Demo for a 15 day free trial of Contact VRS software for Inventory management software.